1000 Things Worth Knowing

1000 Things Worth Knowing
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00 - Preface
Tác giả: Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr.
  • 1

    00 - Preface

  • 2

    01 - Acetylene Gas - Artificial Ice

  • 3

    02 - Atlantic Cable

  • 4

    03 - Atmosphere - Birth Stones

  • 5

    04 - Blind - Brook Farm

  • 6

    05 - Calculating Interest

  • 7

    06 - Canals - Celluloid

  • 8

    07 - Certified Checks - Climate and Temperature

  • 9

    08 - Coal Industry - Comets

  • 10

    09 - Common Measurements - Communism and Socialism

  • 11

    10 - Comparative Population of the United States - Corsets

  • 12

    11 - Cosmetics - Crust of the Earth

  • 13

    12 - Daguerreotypes - Digestibility of Foods

  • 14

    13 - Distances Between Cities in the United States

  • 15

    14 - Diving Bells - Dynamite

  • 16

    15 - Earth Facts - Earthquakes

  • 17

    16 - Earthquake Areas of the Earth - Embezzlement

  • 18

    17 - Errors of History - Esperanto

  • 19

    18 - Failures - Farm Production

  • 20

    19 - First Trans-Atlantic Steamship - Foretelling the Weather

  • 21

    20 - Freemasonry - Grain Industry

  • 22

    21 - Gravity - Great Tunnels

  • 23

    22 - Hair Growers - Health

  • 24

    23 - Historical Facts

  • 25

    24 - Holy Grail - Insane

  • 26

    25 - Iron Industry - Languages of the World

  • 27

    26 - Large Cities of North America Akron, O. - Muskogee, Okla.

  • 28

    27 - Large Cities of North America Nashua, N. H. - Winnipeg, Man.

  • 29

    28 - Law - Liquor and Wine Industry

  • 30

    29 - Literature - Moon

  • 31

    30 - Mortality - Naturalization

  • 32

    31 - Newspapers - Ocean Ownership

  • 33

    32 - Old Time Ships - Partnership

  • 34

    33 - Patent Medicines

  • 35

    34 - Perpetual Motion - Pole Star

  • 36

    35 - Population and Land Area of the United States - Population Per Square Mile

  • 37

    36 - Porto Rico - Principal Countries of the World

  • 38

    37 - Printing Presses - Pure Food

  • 39

    38 - Pyramids - Roads

  • 40

    39 - Round Table - Seven Deadly Sins

  • 41

    40 - Seven Liberal Arts - Ship Bells

  • 42

    41 - Slavery - Solar System

  • 43

    42 - Some Things Worth Knowing - Spectacles and Glasses

  • 44

    43 - Sporting, Speed, and Other Records - Airship Records - Endurance Records

  • 45

    44 - Sporting, Speed, and Other Records - Hammer Throwing - Shot Putting Professional

  • 46

    45 - Sporting, Speed, and Other Records - Skating Amateur - Walking Records Professional

  • 47

    46 - Standard Time - Stars, Their Number

  • 48

    47 - Star Spangled Banner - Statistics of Population United States, by States

  • 49

    48 - Stature and Weights

  • 50

    49 - Steam Engine - Sugar Industry

  • 51

    50 - Sunday Schools - Telegraph

  • 52

    51 - Telephone - Thunder

  • 53

    52 - Ticket-of-Leave - Tom Thumb

  • 54

    53 - To Produce Different Colors - Turbines

  • 55

    54 - Type - United States Flag

  • 56

    55 - United States History in Brief

  • 57

    56 - University Extension - Watered Stock

  • 58

    57 - Wealth of Nations - Wedding Anniversaries

  • 59

    58 - Weights and Measures

  • 60

    59 - What to Do in Emergencies

  • 61

    60 - Accidents - Baths

  • 62

    61 - Bleeding - Chilblains

  • 63

    62 - Cleanliness - Diphtheria

  • 64

    63 - Disinfectants - Dog Bites

  • 65

    64 - Drowning

  • 66

    65 - Drowning Another Method - Emergencies with Children

  • 67

    66 - Emergency Medicines - Glycerin

  • 68

    67 - Emergency Medicines - Peppermint - Emetics and Stimulants

  • 69

    68 - Exercise - Fainting

  • 70

    69 - Feeding an Invalid - Fumigating a Sick-Room

  • 71

    70 - Getting Things into the Eye, Nose, Ear, etc. - Hiccoughs

  • 72

    71 - How to Avoid Accidents - Neuralgia

  • 73

    72 - Poison - For Poisonous Mushrooms

  • 74

    73 - Pulse - Scalds and Burns

  • 75

    74 - Shock or Collapse -Sore Throat

  • 76

    75 - Sprains - Sunstroke

  • 77

    76 - Temperature of the Body - Vomiting

  • 78

    77 - Wills - Woman's Suffrage

  • 79

    78 - Women Voters - Yankee Doodle

Thông tin chi tiết

Tác giả: Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr.

Số bài: 79
Thời lượng: 3:23:02
Lượt nghe: 9310
Thể loại: Sách nói
Nhà xuất bản: librivox.org
Ngày cập nhật: 27/07/2024

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