01 - Gilbert White and ''Selborne'
02 - A Friend of Birds
03 - Queer Doings of a Crane
04 - The Least Bittern
05 - Untitled Poem
06 - The Baldpate Duck
07 - The Baldpate
08 - Wooing Birds' Odd Ways
09 - The Purple Finch
10 - The Red-Bellied Woodpecker
11 - The Red-Bellied Woodpecker
12 - A Forced Partnership
13 - What is An Egg?
14 - The Saw-Whet Owl
15 - The Saw-Whet Owl
16 - The Black Swan
17 - The Black Swan
18 - Life in the Nest
19 - The Snowy Plover
20 - Only a Bird
21 - The Lesser Prairie Hen
22 - The New Tenants
23 - Summary