01 - The One Exception
02 - The Outlook
03 - Revelations
04 - "Dave"
05 - The Man who was Bored
06 - Opportunity
07 - A Look Backward
08 - Harlan
09 - "On Good Ground"
10 - An Interrupted Story
11 - A Marked Day
12 - A Home-coming
13 - "I Have Let It Go"
14 - Miss Hannah's Champion
15 - Unrest
16 - New Light
17 - "Mr. Harlan"
18 - "The Child"
19 - "Some Things Stay Settled"
20 - A "Sign"
21 - "Fitting Things Together"
22 - He "Let Things Go"
23 - "Listen!"
24 - "That Short, Potential Stir that Each Can Make but Once"
25 - Social Problems
26 - "What's in a Name?"
27 - Wasted Sympathy
28 - Foreign, and Home