01 - A Strutter
02 - The Silly Six
03 - The Meddler
04 - Scaring the Geese
05 - A Safe Perch
06 - The Mimic
07 - Half Wrong
08 - Hard to Please
09 - A Strange Gobble
10 - The Worm Turns
11 - Bluster
12 - Mr. Crow's News
13 - The New Pet
14 - A Proud Person
15 - Mrs. Wren's Advice
16 - Drumming on a Log
17 - A Game Bird
18 - Red Lightening
19 - Night in the Woods
20 - Beaks and Bills
21 - Farmyard Manners
22 - Cranberry Sauce
23 - Vacation Time
24 - Brother Tom