Information Directory
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Information Directory

Nhà xuất bản: Project Gutenberg

Thể loại: Danh mục khác

Định dạng: Epub

Lượt xem: 4500

Ngày cập nhật: 14/04/2021

Thông tin chi tiết

Book Description: The Information Directory lays out current events, opinions, and OER investigations related to open education in four categories: blogs, books, news, and research. It was created to fulfill the need for Canadian-based information, specifically British Columbia, on open education. However, the Information Directory also includes content from other English-speaking countries with chapters for the United States, the Northern hemisphere, and the Southern hemisphere. This directory is considered an ongoing resource and will be updated as information comes available. A “Last update” textbox is posted at the top of each chapter to clearly indicate when information was last added.

  1. Accessibility Statement

    1. Accessibility features of the web version of this resource
    2. Other file formats available
    3. Known accessibility issues and areas for improvement
    4. Accessibility standards
    5. Let us know if you are having problems accessing this guide
  2. About This Directory

  3. Introduction

  4. BCcampus OpenEd Updates

    1. 2021
    2. 2020
    3. 2019
  5. I. Blogs and Opinion

    1. 1. Canada

      1. Access codes/assessment platforms
      2. Accessibility
      3. Collaboration
      4. Conferences
      5. Copyright
      6. Debt
      7. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      8. General
      9. Homework systems
      10. Journals
      11. Libraries/librarians
      12. Licences and subscriptions
      13. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      14. Open educational resources (OER)
      15. Open textbooks
      16. Policy
      17. Publishers/publishing
      18. Quality
      19. Reading: paper vs. screens
      20. Repositories
      21. Student societies/activities
      22. Tenure
      23. Textbook costs
      24. Tuition fees
    2. 2. United States

      1. Access
      2. Access codes/assessment platforms
      3. Accessibility
      4. Adoption
      5. Advocacy
      6. Booksellers/bookstores
      7. Conferences
      8. Copyright
      9. Courses/Syllabi
      10. Creative Commons/Creative Commons licences
      11. Debt
      12. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      13. Efficacy and student outcomes
      14. General
      15. Homework systems
      16. Inclusive Access (IA)
      17. Journals
      18. Libraries/librarians
      19. Licences and subscriptions
      20. Monographs
      21. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      22. Open educational resources (OER)
      23. Open peer review
      24. Open research
      25. Open science
      26. Open textbooks
      27. Open washing
      28. Partnerships
      29. Paying for OER
      30. Platforms
      31. Policy
      32. Printing
      33. Public domain
      34. Publishers/publishing
      35. Quality
      36. Reading: paper vs. screens
      37. Remixing/Revising OER
      38. Repositories
      39. Return on investment (ROI)
      40. Savings
      41. Scholarship
      42. Social justice
      43. Textbook costs
      44. Traditional knowledge
      45. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
    3. 3. Northern Hemisphere

      1. Access
      2. Accessibility
      3. Citation
      4. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      5. General
      6. Libraries/librarians
      7. Open educational practices (OEP)
      8. Open educational resources (OER)
      9. Open peer review
      10. Open research
      11. Platforms
      12. Policy
      13. Publishing/publishers
      14. Reading: paper vs. screens
      15. Publishers/publishing
      16. Tenure
    4. 4. Southern Hemisphere

      1. Access
      2. Copyright
      3. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      4. General
      5. Open educational resources
      6. Publishers/publishing
      7. Research
  6. II. Books

    1. 5. Canada

      1. Advocacy
      2. Creative Commons
      3. General
      4. Journals
      5. Open educational resources
      6. Open science
      7. Open textbooks
      8. Policy
    2. 6. United States

      1. Accessibility
      2. Copyright
      3. Creative Commons Licences
      4. Debt
      5. General
      6. Libraries/librarians
      7. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      8. Open educational resources (OER)
      9. Publishers/publishing
      10. Scholarship
    3. 7. Northern Hemisphere

      1. General
      2. Policy
      3. Research
      4. Scholarship
    4. 8. Southern Hemisphere

      1. General
      2. MOOCs
      3. Scholarship
      4. South Africa
  7. III. News

    1. 9. Canada

      1. Access codes/assessment platforms
      2. Accessibility
      3. Adoption
      4. Adult Basic Education (ABE)
      5. Advocacy
      6. Canada OER group
      7. Copyright
      8. Debt
      9. Funding
      10. General
      11. Libraries/librarians
      12. Licences and subscriptions
      13. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      14. Open education resources (OER)
      15. Open textbooks
      16. Policy
      17. Publishing/publishers
      18. Savings
      19. Scholarship
      20. Student societies/activities
      21. Student support
      22. Tenure
      23. Textbook costs
      24. Tuition fees
      25. Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) programs
    2. 10. United States

      1. Access codes/assessment platforms
      2. Accessibility
      3. Adoptions
      4. Advocacy
      5. Booksellers/bookstores
      6. Copyright
      7. Courses
      8. Creative Commons licences
      9. Debt
      10. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      11. Efficacy/student outcomes
      12. Funding
      13. General
      14. Inclusive Access
      15. Journals
      16. Libraries/librarians
      17. Licences and subscriptions
      18. Open educational resources (OER)
      19. Open textbooks
      20. Partnerships
      21. Platforms
      22. Policy
      23. Printing
      24. Public domain
      25. Publishers/publishing
      26. Religious colleges
      27. Repositories
      28. Return on investment (ROI)
      29. Savings
      30. Textbook costs
      31. Tuition fees
      32. Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) programs
    3. 11. Northern Hemisphere

      1. Events
      2. General
      3. Monographs
      4. Open Educational Resources (OER)
      5. Publishers/publishing
      6. Scholarship
      7. Textbook costs
    4. 12. Southern Hemisphere

      1. General
      2. Open educational practice (OEP)
      3. Open educational resources (OER)
      4. Publishers/publishing
      5. Textbook costs
  8. IV. Research and Reports

    1. 13. Canada

      1. Access codes/assessment platforms
      2. Adoption
      3. Advocacy
      4. Courses
      5. Debt
      6. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      7. Efficacy and student outcomes
      8. Funding
      9. General
      10. Homework systems
      11. Inclusive access
      12. Instructional designers
      13. Journals
      14. Legislation
      15. Libraries
      16. Open educational practices (OEP)
      17. Open educational resources (OER)
      18. Open textbooks
      19. Open universities
      20. Paying for OER
      21. Perception/attitude/awareness
      22. Platforms
      23. Policy
      24. Publishers/publishing
      25. Social justice
      26. Sustainability
      27. Tenure
      28. Textbook costs
      29. Tuition fees
    2. 14. United States

      1. Access codes/assessment platforms
      2. Adoption
      3. Advocacy
      4. Awareness
      5. Booksellers/bookstores
      6. Copyright
      7. Courses
      8. Creative Commons licences
      9. Discoverability
      10. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      11. Efficacy and student outcomes
      12. General
      13. Homework systems
      14. Information technology (IT)
      15. Instructional designers (ID)
      16. Libraries/librarians
      17. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      18. Open educational resources (OER)
      19. Open textbooks
      20. Perception/attitude/awareness
      21. Policy
      22. Printing
      23. Publishers/publishing
      24. Quality
      25. Reading: paper vs. screen
      26. Religious colleges
      27. Retention
      28. Savings
      29. Social justice
      30. Student support
      31. Supplementary materials
      32. Sustainability
      33. Tenure
      34. Textbook costs
      35. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
      36. Zero Textbook Costs (ZTC) programs
    3. 15. Northern Hemisphere

      1. Accessibility
      2. Adoption
      3. Advocacy
      4. Collaboration
      5. Creative Commons licences
      6. Disabilities
      7. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      8. Efficacy and student outcomes
      9. Funding
      10. General
      11. Instructional designers (ID)
      12. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      13. Open educational resources (OER)
      14. Open monographs
      15. Open peer review/peer review
      16. Open textbooks
      17. Perception/attitude/awareness
      18. Policy
      19. Publishers/publishing
      20. Quality
      21. Reading: paper vs. screens
      22. Remixing/Revising OER
      23. Scholarship
      24. Social justice
      25. Student support
      26. Sustainability
      27. Tenure
    4. 16. Southern Hemisphere

      1. Adoption
      2. Diversity, equity, inclusion
      3. General
      4. Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy
      5. Open educational resources (OER)
      6. Policy
      7. Publishers/publishing
      8. Social justice
      9. Sustainability
  9. Appendix A: Organizations and Projects

    1. Canada
    2. United States
    3. Northern Hemisphere
    4. Southern Hemisphere
    5. Global
  10. Appendix B: Conferences and Events

    1. Related Conferences
  11. Appendix C: Frameworks, Tools, Resources

    1. Appendix table of contents
    3. TOOLS
  12. Appendix D: Recordings of Conferences, Podcasts, Webinars, Videos

    1. Appendix table of contents
    4. BY TOPIC
  13. Appendix E: COVID-19 News and Updates

    1. Education
    2. Healthcare
    3. Miscellaneous
    4. Twitter
  14. Bibliography

  15. Versioning History